The advent and growing popularity of the braided super lines had created problems for some anglers with the tackle they were using. Guides on their rods would cut, rods would break, and hooks would straighten out, losing fish and ultimately losing tournaments. Rod manufacturers stepped up to the plate and started using components that would withstand the harsh realities of super-lines and Gamakatsu has given us the Superline Extra Wide Gap Hook. This hook uses heavier gauge steel wire that will not straighten out under load but with enough flex that it is not brittle and will not break when stressed. Made for big baits and applications such as flipping where hard, quick hooksets are common, so this hook will perform perfectly for you. In addition, you have the Gamakatsu signature ultra-sharp point that will penetrate and hold so you will hook more fish and lose less.
Gamakatsu created the SuperLine SpringLock Hook to provide anglers with the ideal hook for fishing weightless soft plastics, like flukes and stick baits. Not only does the hook’s stainless steel SpringLock make rigging easy, it also combines with the hook’s 28-degree eye-bend and Extra Wide Gap to create accurate, weedless presentations time-and-time-again. Its SuperLine wire construction also means it’s up to the task of handling big fish and even braided lines. Sticky sharp like all Gamakatsu hooks, the Gamakatsu SuperLine SpringLock Hook deliver excellent penetration, heavy duty strength and quality presentations.